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Car Dealer 4.0 Contact Forms

This file includes 3 new Contact Forms for Car Dealer 4.0 xx (form.php, contact-us.php and contact-us-select.php).

These new forms include addition of phone number box in the Car Dealer Contact Sidebar Form and the Contact Us Form to the information that is gathered and emailed.

The new Car Dealer Contact Us Select form adds another page template that allows you to have multiple selectable email addresses to direct the contact information to the right department.

This new sidebar widget form also populates the message box with the vehicle posting title, stock number, make and model when it is in the vehicle details page left sidebar, so you know what vehicle the customer wants information about.

All forms send you the web address that the form comes from and include CAPTCHA Spam protection.

For demo, go to

Unzip the file and follow instructions in the README.txt file.

The price to download the forms and code to make these changes is only $15.00 USD.

Discounts for multiple purchases: Use Coupon Codes: 10PERCENT for total purchase $50 or more, 15PERCENT for total purchase $75 or more and 20PERCENT for total purchase $100 or more at checkout.